Jun 21 2013
If you thought that it is only the big guns like Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, hero Ram or someone like that who do the blogging thing then this should change your mind. Here is one man who seems to be setting a new trend with his right utilization of the internet and creating a new update point.
His name is L Venugopal and he is one among the noted PROs in the Tollywood circuit. Apparently, he has been blogging about the films that he has undertaken and has been providing a constant update from time to time regarding the status of the shootings and other important stills.
That way, Venugopal is arguably the first blogger among the Tollywood PROs and he has become a role model for other aspiring and existing PROs. By visiting the blog site of Venugopal, one can get instant access to the movies and their status. This is an impressive move and for further details, please visit http://venugopalpro.com/
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